
Achilles Tendonitis

Podiatry located in Huntingdon Valley, PA

Achilles Tendonitis services offered in Huntingdon Valley, PA

If you have heel pain that’s ongoing or severe, it could be because of a condition called Achilles tendonitis. At Montgomery Podiatry in Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania, the exceptional podiatry team offers treatments for this condition to reduce pain and prevent severe complications. Call the office to schedule an appointment, or use the online booking feature today. 

Achilles Tendonitis Q&A

What is Achilles tendonitis?

Your Achilles tendon’s function is to connect your heel bone to your lower calf muscle. Achilles tendonitis is a condition that causes pain right above your heel. It’s common among athletes and usually appears because of Achilles tendon overuse, inflammation, or tissue damage. Achilles tendonitis can be serious, causing painful tendon rupture when left untreated. 

What are the symptoms of Achilles tendonitis?

The main symptom of Achilles tendonitis is tenderness above your heel. You might also experience stiffness, especially when you first wake up, or pain after running or playing sports. You may develop severe pain after stair climbing, sprinting, or prolonged running. 

If your Achilles tendon ruptures, extreme pain often results. Treating Achilles tendonitis promptly reduces the chance of the affected tendon rupturing. 

What are the risk factors for Achilles tendonitis?

The main risk factors for Achilles tendonitis include repetitive motions, improperly warming up, not stretching, older age, and some medical conditions. Taking certain medicines may also boost your chance of developing Achilles tendonitis. 

To reduce your risk of developing the condition, wear comfortable and supportive footwear, avoid overtraining, and stretch and train properly. 

How does my provider diagnose Achilles tendonitis?

To diagnose your condition and develop an effective treatment, your Montgomery Podiatry provider discusses your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle. They examine your feet and ankles during a physical exam and may recommend blood tests, X-rays, an MRI, an ultrasound, or another imaging procedure. 

How is Achilles tendonitis treated?

The treatments that are available for Achilles tendonitis range from conservative to surgery after a tendon rupture.

The Montgomery Podiatry team often recommends rest, stretching, or light activity while the tendon heals. Physical therapy, including injury-specific exercises, is another excellent treatment option. Ice or massage the affected area, take medications as directed, and wear orthotic devices if your Montgomery Podiatry specialist asks you to. 

If you need surgery, your podiatrist can surgically repair or reattach your Achilles tendon. They may also suggest regenerative medicine treatments.

They tailor each treatment plan to your needs and monitor you throughout the treatment to ensure success.

To get evaluated or treated for Achilles tendonitis, call the Montgomery Podiatry office or schedule an appointment online today.